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Abby Sondak
Just Imagine, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, prepares inner city children from Washington, DC for college by: providing scholarships to sleep away camp, access to SAT preparation, college tours, and community service projects.

About Just Imagine

What We Do

In 2011 Abby Sondak wanted to give two of her students the opportunity to get out of Washington, DC for the summer. The girls had never left the city, and were surrounded by obstacles that kept them from leading a carefree childhood. Having spent all her childhood summers at Kutsher's Sports Academy (KSA)--a sleepaway camp in the Berkshire Mountains, Abby thought the camp experience would be just what the girls needed. She arranged for a tuition reduction with KSA Director, Marc White, and began raising money to make up the difference. With the help of her co-worker, Roderick Rush, the girls were prepared to go to camp.  


Over the summer the girls flourished: they tried a variety of new sports and activities, explored nature, and made countless new friends from all over the world. They returned home more self-confident   and with a renewed focus on their school work. 


Just Imagine (JI) was incorporated in 2012 with the goal of being able to provide as many D.C. Public and Charter school students with the summer experience of a lifetime. With the help of Focus for the Future, KSA, Camp Canyon, and Camp Rim Rock, nine students were able to attend sleep away camp that summer. Following the summer of 2012, Just Imagine officially gained 501(c)(3) status, and received its first grant from Hands on Tzedakah in June of 2013. The summer of 2013 added scholarships from Camp Danbee, Camp Lenox, Camp Watitoh, and Camp Winaukee, allowing 14 students to go to camp during the summer of 2013.  


During the summer of 2018, Just Imagine awarded 80 camp scholarships. 


In addition to camp, Just Imagine provides its students with additional enrichment experiences throughout the year, as well as access to college preparation. To learn more about the Camp to College program, please click here






Listen to Abby Sondak, our Executive Director, speak more about

Just Imagine's origins and operation here:


© 2021 by Just Imagine

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